Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rosemary/ Matt/ Moorhead conection

Rosemary/ Matt/ Moorhead conection

Hi Becky:
Yeah!  It looks like we are related!  If I am reading the emails right, both you and Matt descend from Ephriam Morehead?  Through his son William H., his son James Thompson, and his daughters Ann and Bertha?  Ann being Matt's and Bertha's being your ancestor?
I have not done a lot of research in North Carolina, but I have been in contact with others that have.  My sister is looking into getting a job in Charlotte, NC.  I plan on visiting her and doing lots of research on my Morehead family.  She would not be far from the State Archives nor to Rutherford County.  I will not be too sad if she does not get the job though.  It is such a long way from home.  Right now she is in Nashville, TN and I am still at home in Evansville, IN. If she does not get the job, I plan on a trip to the Archives later next year or in 2012.  By the way, I live across the river from Henderson Co., KY.  My Morehead family has not traveled much since leaving North Carolina.
I had looked into the Ephraim Morehead of Illinois as a possible brother to my Enoch Morehead born 1799, but had not found a documented paper trail.  The 1880 Census of Webster Co., KY, where Enoch Morehead lived, listed him and his parents being born in Rutherford Co., NC.  I was lucky that our census taker was so detailed!
I believe my Enoch is either the son or grandson of James Morehead of Rutherford Co., NC; he is also called James Alexander Morehead.  I think the Alexander was passed down from family history from another of James' children.  If James is father to my Enoch, you connect back on my 7th generation; maybe 8th generation if he is a grandchild. 
I have not been in contact with Matt Shevlin.  The only Member Profile I found was an Edward F Shevlin.  I will send Matt an email and ask him to invite me to share.  I bet he is my other match along that segment that I show on my Ancestry Finder download. 
Kristy LeCom (DeuxFils) was another one of my attempts of trying to connect to a Morehead by using 23andMe’s search feature.  She and I matched up on Chromosome 2.  We share 6.0 cM.  Her sister does the research, but here is what she has on her earliest Morehead ancestor:  "Thomas Morehead, born in 1804 in Pennsylvania, died in 1870 in Mercer Illinois. We do not have any information on his parents."  You might want to send an invitation to her.  I will send her a message to give her the heads up.
As some extra notations, Enoch had grandchildren that were twins.  I have speculated that Enoch and Elias may have been twins as well.  I am still uncertain about the birth date of Enoch.  Someone wrote down the dates from memory after his and his wife's headstones were stolen.  They had the death dates wrong; so this leads me to believe the birth dates could be wrong as well.
I am also speculating that Enoch's mother may have been a Webb.  I have had a few DNA matches with Webb in their family and we have not found our common connection yet; this is on 23andMe and Family Finder through FTDNA.  One gentleman on Family Finder said that he thinks that the Webb connection is probable since that is the only one of his family in North Carolina in that time frame.  Also, Elias sells land to an Alfred Webb and David, proven son of James, names a son Alfred W. Morehead.  Far from proof, but may indicate a family connection along the line. 
The Cassius Clay connection has run through our family as well.  Although, I knew his lineage did not connect with our James of Rutherford County. 
I will let you go for now.  I will send an email to Matt and Kristy.
In a message dated 10/24/2010 2:05:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, becky2@nmpcs.com writes:
Rosemary, I found this from Matt.  Is he related? 

From: Matt Shevlin [mailto:matt.shevlin@db.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 9:48 AM
To: becky2@nmpcs.com
Subject: RE: 23&me
  Becky - Bertha Morehead was the sister of my great grandfather James Thompson Morehead. Small world.  Please see the attached research:

" Becky Nufer" <becky2@nmpcs.com> 07/09/2010 09:49 AM
ToMatt Shevlin/db/dbcom@DBAmericas
SubjectRE: 23&me

Matt, Bertha Morehead was born Mach 13, 1873 in Ill and died in 1958.  She was the daughter of William H. Morehead and Mary Ann Thompson.  I don’t have much more than that on the parents.  She married Thomas Henry Harland.  He and Bertha were my ggrandparents.  I have a picture of her.  Berthat waw also hell on wheels as she could hardly see beyond the steering wheel and was good at curbs, both sides of the streets and “conditioned” people to jump out of her way when they saw her coming!  
Thomas Henry Harland had a radio show “Uncle Tom’s”  and he held  the first steamboat was and engineer on steamboats on the Mississippi.  At one time her wass the only person to have a license to be and engineer on boats on both salt and fresh water.  We have the license. He and his family all played several instruments. As they travelled on steamboats up and down the Mississippi, they would hold musical sessions in the parks at the towns along the way.  I don’t know what Bertha played.  Curiously, I never knew my grandmother Hazel even knew how to play any instrument.  It was if she had to play all the time growing up and when she finally was away from it, she quit.
Bill Morehead was a sergeant in the 41st Illinois infantry regiment, company B.and was injure at the battle of Shiloh.   Supposedly her was to protect some papers from the advancing Confederate aarmy so he was put in an iron bucket and lowered into a well. The bucket swung up against the rock sides of the well crushing his leg.  He is buried in the VA  cemetery in Memphis.  I think he was from Cannon or  Pana, Ill.
Bertha had a brother, Jim.   My greatgrandmother said Bertha’s mother and several brothers and sisters died in a scarlet fever epidemic leaving only Bertha and Jim.  Bill Morehead lived in Dunlap street in Memphis and supposedly had race horses.
Does any of this match up with you history on the Moreheads and if so, woud you share/
Love this stuff! 

From: Matt Shevlin [mailto:matt.shevlin@db.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:11 PMTo: becky2Subject: 23&me
Rebe cca - I looked at your names.  Morehead is familiar.  My paternal grandmother was Ann Morehead (born 1918 in Camden, CT), she married Jack Shevlin.  She had two sisters Maude (aka Betty) Brown and Mary Louise Rayburn.  Her parents names were James Thompson Morehead (from Kentucky) and Jessie Louise Winslow (from New Jersey). James Morehead was the son of William Morehead and Mary Thompson (born in Scotland). Anything ring a bell?
you wrote:

Dear Matthew,
My grandfather was from Switzerland as was his family. My grandmother on my paternal side was from England but only until 1750's. My grandmother was born in Illinois then most of her siblings moved to Kansas. Their name was Kent.

On my mother's side there is a long list of Smiths, originally from England but settled in the Alabama area in the 1700's. My grandmother's maiden names was Harland, again from England. She was born in Cairo, Illinois.

As second cousins we should havesome names in common. Do any of these sound familiar?

You can email me at becky2@nmpcs.com.

Hoping to hear from you...

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doctormom4 added this to Morehead Family Tree
Just now

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